suaveCinzento | 2semanas

6 lentes

Requintado com muita transparência.Cinzento。
Capta a luz e dá-lhe olhos luminosos.

Sale price₽ 1.221,99

Dioptria(PWR): ±0.00


Color List of RICH STANDARD | リッチスタンダード

inocenteCastanho | 2semanas
inocenteCastanho | 2semanas Sale price₽ 1.221,99
Cáqui Milan |. 2semanas
Cáqui Milan |. 2semanas Sale price₽ 1.221,99
relaxarCastanho | 2semanas
relaxarCastanho | 2semanas Sale price₽ 1.221,99
  • This product has unstable stock. It will be shipped as soon as it arrives from the factory, which may take longer than usual. Please note that cancellation after order is not possible.

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