Pom Canure | 1hari
mimuco | ミムコ Senarai Warna

Honey Soda | 1day
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Salty Donut | 1hari
Sale price$22.58
Jenama| mimuco 1day
Tempoh Memakai| 1day
Kandungan |10 kanta
Dia |14.2mm
Diameter Berwarna(CDIA)| 13.4mm
Kandungan Air| 38.0%
Lengkung Asas| 8.6mm
Model| Miki Kawanishi
Julat Kuasa| ±0.00~ -10.00
Nama Produk| ワンデーツッティアルファ
Nombor Pensijilan Peranti Perubatan| 22400BZX00427000
Pengedar| PIA
PembuatanPengedar| PIA

Pom Canure | 1hari
Sale price¥2,302
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