밀라노 카키 | 밀라노 카키 2주용
- This product has unstable stock. It will be shipped as soon as it arrives from the factory, which may take longer than usual. Please note that cancellation after order is not possible.
العلامة التجارية| RICH STANDARD 2week
فترة الارتداء| 2week
المحتويات|렌즈 6개
القطر الملون (CDIA)| 13.5mm
المحتوى المائي| 38.0%
المنحنى الأساسي| 8.6mm
نطاق الطاقة| ±0.00~ -10.00
اسم المنتج| リッチスタンダード 2week
رقم شهادة الجهاز الطبي| 22300BZX00173A05
الموزع| FUTABA corporation
تصنيعالموزع| SHO-BI Labo
밀라노 카키 | 밀라노 카키 2주용
할인 가격¥2,747